The Safety Assessment Federation implements the following standards:
SAFed Standard SS01: 2001 – Issue 5.1 – 17th May 2023
Recruitment, Training and Competency of Engineer Surveyors
This Standard encompasses all stages from the selection of suitable candidates for interview to final authorisation by their employing company as Engineer Surveyors. Meeting the criteria herein for academic qualification and practical experience does not indicate suitability for the role of engineer surveyor. The criteria are simply minimum eligibility requirements to progress to the first stage of the recruitment candidate assessment process.
SAFed Specification 01 – Issue 06 Dated 7th Feb 2020
Health and Safety Passport Scheme for Engineer Surveyors
This Specification encompasses the initial Health and Safety awareness training for new Engineer Surveyors and the process for awarding of Health and Safety Passports for new and existing Engineer Surveyors.